Gaushala & Fodder
Here’s our media library to provide you a quick tour to our activities like:
- Azolla Pit Attempt to grow rich organic diet for gouma.
- Fodder Processing How organic fodder is processed at our facilities.

Dhenu's Hygenic Holy Goushala
A gaushala is a protective shelter for cattle. In Dhenu Sewa gaushala mother cows are respected venerated and treated with dignity. In Hinduism and related religions, the idea of offering selfless services without any reward for the benefit of others is called "sewa"` doing sewa is considered a devotional and extremely positive act. If you want to offer sewa but don't know to what cause, consider the mother cow in gaushala. Grooming and brushing mother cows offer material and spiritual benefits to society. Dhenu volunteers at Goushala do sewa by cleaning the sheds. Hindus believe "COW SEWA IS ONE OF THE HIGHEST DUTIES AND HOLY ACTIONS."

Fodder Production and Grassland Development Activities
To support our gaushala and for the health of gouma, we run a series of organic fodder production and grassland development activities. Here's a quick highlight of the activities: -Grow various green and dry fodder for cows in the land available at the gaushala. -Development of gauchar, a wasteland for fodder production by planting various grasses and fodder trees. -Collection and production of seeds of various types of grass and green fodder and their distribution to other gaushalas and needy people. -Preservation of green fodder for the lean period by using techniques of silage making and haymaking. -Rainwater harvesting and use of various techniques of irrigation like drip irrigation or sprinkler irrigation, for an efficient utilization of water.